Elementary Counseling Office

Carleen Grissinger
Elementary Guidance Counselor
Office Hours: 8:00 am to 3:30 M-F
Contact Information
Phone: (717) 485-7078
Mount Saint Joseph Academy (HS) Flourtown, PA 1998
Lycoming College Williamsport, PA Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 2002
Gwynedd-Mercy College Blue Bell, PA Master of Science in School Counseling 2004

What does an Elementary School Counselor do?
-Helps children understand themselves and others
-Helps students do better in school
-Prevent problems from developing
-Helps students develop better interpersonal relationships
-Helps the student build positive self-images
-Helps students develop good feelings about school, family and society
-Coordinates or facilitates the efforts of others with those of parents, teachers and administrators
Who does the Elementary School Counselor work with?
Students: providing individual counseling or small/ large group counseling
Teachers: Supporting their role, consulting and sharing information pertinent to students
Parents: consulting with them to meet the educational needs of their child
Other School Staff: Keeping administrators informed of student needs