Principal's Message

Terry Bard
HS Principal
August 18, 2023
Dear Spartan students and families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! I am looking forward to seeing students return on August 23. It has been a busy summer at Central Fulton, and there are some exciting changes to our staff and building that I believe will help us have a successful year. If you have not checked already, your class schedule can be viewed in Skyward. If changes need to be made, please schedule an appointment with Mrs. McMullen.
Below are a few upcoming dates to keep in mind:
Back to School Night is August 21 from 6:00-7:30 PM
The first day of school will be August 23
Back to School Pictures will be August 31
We had a tremendous school year last year; one filled with many successes and accomplishments. Let’s make this year even better! Have a great last weekend of summer and I will see you all next week. GO SPARTANS!!!
Terry Bard
Archived Messages